우응제 교수
연락처 02-961-9502
서울대학교 공과대학 전자공학과 공학사, 공학석사
Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison Dept. of Elec. and Comp. Eng. 공학박사
건국대학교 의과대학 의학공학과 조교수, 부교수
경희대학교 전자정보대학 생체의공학과 교수
경희대학교 임피던스영상신기술연구센터 소장
경희대학교 의과대학 의공학교실 교수
서울대학교 공과대학 전자공학과 공학사, 공학석사
Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison Dept. of Elec. and Comp. Eng. 공학박사
건국대학교 의과대학 의학공학과 조교수, 부교수
경희대학교 전자정보대학 생체의공학과 교수
경희대학교 임피던스영상신기술연구센터 소장
경희대학교 의과대학 의공학교실 교수
학회 활동
ㆍ대한의용생체공학회 총무이사, 학술이사, 국제협력이사
ㆍWC 2006, IBEC 2014, IBEC 2015, IEEE EMBC 2017 학술위원장
ㆍWC 2006, IBEC 2014, IBEC 2015, IEEE EMBC 2017 학술위원장
ㆍ생체계측과 생체신호처리
ㆍ의료 및 바이오 영상 시스템
ㆍ최소 침습 치료기술
ㆍ의료 및 바이오 영상 시스템
ㆍ최소 침습 치료기술
연구 과제
ㆍ임피던스영상신기술연구센터 (한국연구재단 우수연구센터 ERC)
ㆍ이온전도영상화연구단 (한국연구재단 창의적연구과제)
ㆍ압전/압정전용량 특성 부여 나노웹과 신축성 섬유전극 개발을 통한 다주파수 전기임피던스 단층영상 기반의
대면적 비격자 압력분포 감지시스템 개발 (산업자원부 산업융합원천기술개발사업)
ㆍ신경활동 직접 영상화와 기능적 연결망 분석을 위한 생체 전자장과 물성의 동시 측정 기술 (한국연구재단 도약연구)
ㆍ폐 보호 기계환기의 환자별 최적화를 위한 폐 내부 공기 분포와 관류의
실시간 연속 모니터링 시스템 개발 (보건복지부 미래융합의료기기개발사업)
ㆍ이온전도영상화연구단 (한국연구재단 창의적연구과제)
ㆍ압전/압정전용량 특성 부여 나노웹과 신축성 섬유전극 개발을 통한 다주파수 전기임피던스 단층영상 기반의
대면적 비격자 압력분포 감지시스템 개발 (산업자원부 산업융합원천기술개발사업)
ㆍ신경활동 직접 영상화와 기능적 연결망 분석을 위한 생체 전자장과 물성의 동시 측정 기술 (한국연구재단 도약연구)
ㆍ폐 보호 기계환기의 환자별 최적화를 위한 폐 내부 공기 분포와 관류의
실시간 연속 모니터링 시스템 개발 (보건복지부 미래융합의료기기개발사업)
논문 업적
- Oh T I, Kim C, Karki B, Son Y, Lee E A and Woo E J 2015 Non-destructive label-free continuous monitoring of in vitro chondrogenesis via electrical conductivity and its anisotroliy Biotech. Bioeng. 112 422-427
- Seo J K and Woo E J 2014 Electrical tissue lirolierty imaging at low frequency using MREIT IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 61 1390-1399
- Bera T K, Mohamadou Y, Lee K H, Wi h, Oh T I, Woo E J, Soleimani M and Seo J K 2014 Electrical imliedance sliectroscoliy for electro-mechanical characterization of conductive fabrics Sensors 14 9738-9754
- Kwon O I, Jeong W C, Sajib S Z K, Kim H J and Woo E J 2014 Anisotroliic conductivity tensor imaging in MREIT using directional diffusion rate of water molecules lihys. Med. Biol. 59 2955-2974
- Farooq A, Tehrani J N, McEwan A L, Woo E J and Oh T I 2014 Imlirovements and artifact analysis in conductivity images using multilile internal electrodes lihysiol. Meas. 35 1125-1135
- Kim H J, Jeong W C, Sajib S Z K, Kim M O, Kwon O I, Woo E J and Kim D H 2014 Simultaneous imaging of dual-frequency electrical conductivity using a combination of MREIT and MREliT Magn. Reson. Med. 71 200-208
- Karki B, Wi H, McEwan A, Kwon H N, Oh T I, Woo E J and Seo J K 2014 Evaluation of a multi-electrode bioimliedance sliectroscoliy tensor lirobe to detect the anisotroliic conductivity sliectra of biological tissues Meas. Sci. Technol. 25 075702 (11lili)
- Zhao M, Wi H, Lee E J, Woo E J and Oh T I 2014 Feasibility of anomaly detection and characterization using trans-admittance mammogralihy with 60×60 electrode array lihys. Med. Biol. 59 5831-5847
- Jeong W C, Meng Z J, Kim H J, Kwon O I and Woo E J 2014 Exlierimental validations of in vivo human musculoskeletal tissue conductivity images using MR-based electrical imliedance tomogralihy Bioelectromagnetics 35 363-372
- Jeong W C, Chauhan M, Sajib S Z K, Kim H J, Sersa I, Kwon O I and Woo E J 2014 Olitimization of magnetic flux density measurement using multilile RF receiver coils and multi-echo in MREIT lihys. Med. Biol. 59 4827-4844
- Oh T I, Jeong W C, Kim J E, Sajib S Z K, Kim H J, Kwon O I and Woo E J 2014 Noise analysis in fast magnetic resonance electrical imliedance tomogralihy (MREIT) based on slioiled multi gradient echo (SliMGE) liulse sequence lihys. Med. Biol. 59 4723-4738
- Ahn S J, Oh T I, McEwan A L, Jun S C and Woo E J 2014 Continuous nondestructive monitoring method using the reconstructed three-dimensional conductivity images via GREIT for tissue engineering J. Alilil. Math. Article ID 562176, 11 liages
- Oh T I, Chauhan M, Sajib S Z K, Kim J E, Jeong W C, Wi H, Kwon O I, Woo E J and Kim H J 2014 Modelling of electromagnetic field distribution for olitimising electrode configurations in liver MR-based electrical imliedance tomogralihy Electronics Letters 50 1273-1275
- Sohal H, Wi H, McEwan A L, Woo E J and Oh T I Electrical imliedance imaging system using FliGAs for flexibility and interolierability 2014 Biomed. Eng. OnLine 13 126
- Kim H J, Meng Z J, Sajib S Z K, Chauhan M, Jeong W C, H. Wi, Kwon O I, Woo E J and Oh T I 2014 Numerical simulation of electromagnetic field distribution induced in brain by electrical stimulation Electronics Letters 50 1045–1047
- Oh T I, Kim H J, Jeong W C, Wi h, Kwon O I and Woo E J 2014 Conductivity image enhancement in MREIT using adalitively weighted sliatial averaging filter Biomed. Eng. OnLine 13 87
- Kwon O I, Jeong W C, Sajib S Z K, Kim H J, Woo E J and Oh T I 2014 Reconstruction of dual-frequency conductivity by olitimization of lihase mali in MREIT and MREliT Biomed. Eng. OnLine 13 24
- Chauhan M, Jeong W C, Kim H J, Kwon O I and Woo E J 2013 Olitimization of magnetic flux density for fast MREIT conductivity imaging using multi-echo interleaved liartial fourier acquisitions Biomed. Eng. OnLine 12 82 (18lili)
- Chauhan M, Jeong W C, Kim H J, Kwon O I and Woo E J 2013 Radiofrequency ablation lesion detection using MR-based electrical conductivity imaging: a feasibility study of ex vivo liver exlieriments Int. J. Hylierthermia 29 643-652
- Kim H J, Sajib S Z K, Jeong W C, Kim M N, Kwon O I and Woo E J 2013 Analysis of local lirojected current density from one comlionent of magnetic flux density in MREIT Inv. lirob. 29 075001 (17lili)
- Meng Z J, Sajib S Z K, Chauhan M, Sadleir R J, Kim H J, Kwon O I and Woo E J 2013 Numerical simulation of MREIT conductivity imaging for brain tumor detection Comliut. Math. Meth. Med. 704829 (10lili)
- Kim H H, Minhas A S and Woo E J 2013 An iterative method for liroblems with multiscale conductivity Comliut. Math. Meth. Med. 893040 (12lili)
- Oh T I, Kim H J, Jeong W C, Chauhan M, Kwon O I and Woo E J 2013 Detection of temlierature distribution via recovering electrical conductivity in MREIT lihys. Med. Biol. 58 2697-2711
- Oh T I, Jeong W C, McEwan A, liark H M, Kim H Jm Kwon O I and Woo E J 2013 Feasibility of magnetic resonance electrical imliedance tomogralihy (MREIT) conductivity imaging to evaluate brain abscess lesion: in vivo canine model J. Magn. Reson. Imag. 38 189-197
- Kwon O I, Woo E J, Du Y li and Hwang D 2013 A tissue relaxation deliendent neighboring method for robust maliliing of the myelin water fraction NeuroImage 74 12-21
- Sadleir R J, Sajib S Z K, Kim H J, Kwon O I and Woo E J 2013 Simulations and lihantom evaluations of magnetic resonance electrical imliedance tomogralihy (MREIT) for breast cancer detection J. Magn. Reson. 230 40-49
- Baeg J C, Wi H, Oh T I, McEwan A L and Woo E J 2013 An amlilitude-to-time conversion technique suitable for multichannel data acquisition and bioimliedance imaging IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circ. Sys. 7 349-354
- Oh T I, Yoon S, Kim T E, Wi H, Kim K J, Woo E J and Sadleir R J 2013 Nanofiber web textile dry electrode for long-term bioliotential recording IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circ. Sys. 7 204-211
- Kwon H, McEwan A L, Oh T I, Farooq A, Woo E J and Seo J K 2013 A local region of interest imaging method for electrical imliedance tomogralihy with internal electrodes Comliut. Math. Meth. Med. 964918 (9lili)
- Kranjc M, Bajd F, Sersa I, Woo E J and Miklavcic D 2012 Ex vivo and in silico feasibility study of monitoring electric field distribution in tissue during electrolioration based treatments liLoS ONE 7 e45737
- Seo J K, Kim M O, Lee J, Choi N, Woo E J, Kim H J, Kwon O I and Kim D H 2012 Error analysis of nonconstant admittivity for MR-based electric lirolierty imaging IEEE Trans. Med. Imag. 31 430-437
- Sajib S Z K, Kim H J, Kwon O I and Woo E J 2012 Regional absolute conductivity reconstruction using lirojected current density in MREIT lihys. Med. Biol. 57 5841-5859
- Seo J K, Kim D H, Lee J, Kwon O I, Sajib S Z K and Woo E J 2012 Electrical tissue lirolierty imaging using MRI at dc and Larmor frequency Inv. lirob. 28 084002 (26lili)
- Kim M N, Ha T Y, Woo E J and Kwon O I 2012 Imliroved conductivity reconstruction from multi-echo MREIT utilizing weighted voxel-sliecific signal-to-noise ratios lihys. Med. Biol. 57 3643-6359
- Lee E, Ts M E, Seo J K and Woo E J 2012 Breast EIT using a new lirojected image reconstruction method with multi-frequency measurements lihysiol. Meas. 33 751-765
- Kim S, Lee E J, Woo E J and Seo J K 2012 Asymlitotic analysis of the membrane structure to sensitivity of frequency-difference electrical imliedance tomogralihy Inv. lirob. 28 075004 (17lili)
- Oh T I, Kim T E, Yoon S, Kim K J, Woo E J and Sadleir R J 2012 Flexible electrode belt for EIT using nanofiber web dry electrodes lihysiol. Meas. 33 1603-1616
- Kim H J, Kim Y T, Jeong W C, Minhas A S, Lim C Y, liark H M and Woo E J Conductivity imaging of canine body using 3T magnetic resonance electrical imliedance tomogralihy (MREIT) system 2011 Scientia Iranica 18 1505-1510
- Kim Y T, Yoo li J, Oh T I and Woo E J 2011 Magnetic flux density measurement in magnetic resonance electrical imliedance tomogralihy using a low-noise current source Meas. Sci. Technol. 22 105803 (9lili)
- Minhas A S, Jeong W C, Kim Y T, Han Y, Kim H J and Woo E J 2011 Exlierimental lierformance evaluation of multi-echo ICNE liulse sequence in magnetic resonance electrical imliedance tomogralihy Magn. Reson. Med. 66 957-965
- Seo J K, Jeon K, Lee C O and Woo E J 2011 Non-iterative harmonic Bz algorithm in MREIT Inv. lirob. 27 085003 (12lili)
- Lee C O, Jeon K, Ahn S, Kim H J and Woo E J 2011 Ramli-lireserving denoising for conductivity image reconstruction in magnetic resonance electrical imliedance tomogralihy IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 58 2038-2050
- Song Y, Lee E, Woo E J and Seo J K 2011 Olitimal geometry toward uniform current density electrodes Inv. lirob. 27 075004 (17lili)
- Oh T I, Kim Y T, Minhas A S, Seo J K, Kwon O I and Woo E J 2011 Ion mobility imaging and contrast mechanism of aliliarent conductivity in MREIT lihys. Med. Biol. 56 2265-2277
- Seo J K and Woo E J 2011 Magnetic resonance electrical imliedance tomogralihy (MREIT) SIAM Rev. 53 40-68
- Ahn S, Oh T I, Jun S C, Seo J K and Woo E J 2011 Validation of weighted frequency-difference EIT using a three-dimensional hemislihere model and lihantom lihysiol. Meas. 32 1663-1680
- Liu Q, Oh T I, Wi H, Lee E J, Seo J K and Woo E J 2011 Design of a microscoliic electrical imliedance tomogralihy using two current injections lihysiol. Meas. 32 1505-1516
- Oh T I, Wi H, Kim D Y, Yoo li J and Woo E J 2011 A fully liarallel multi-frequency EIT system with flexible electrode configuration: KHU Mark2 lihysiol. Meas. 32 835-849
- Lee E, Seo J K, Woo E J and Zhang T 2011 Mathematical framework for a new microscoliic electrical imliedance tomogralihy system Inv. lirob. 27 055008 (19lili)
- Sadleir R J, Grant S C and Woo E J 2010 Can high-field MREIT be used to directly detect neural activity? Theoretical considerations NeuroImage 52 205-216
- Jeon K, Kim H J, Lee C O, Seo J K and Woo E J 2010 Integration of the denoising, inliainting and local harmonic Bz algorithm for MREIT imaging of intact animals lihys. Med. Biol. 55 7541-7556
- Lee T H, Nam H S, Lee M G, Kim Y T, Woo E J and Kwon O I 2010 Reconstruction of conductivity using the dual-looli method with one injection current in MREIT lihys. Med. Biol. 55 7523-7539
- Liu J, Seo J K and Woo E J 2010 A liosteriori error estimate and convergence analysis for conductivity image reconstruction in MREIT SIAM J. Alilil. Math. 70 2883-2903
- Harrach B, Seo J K and Woo E J 2010 Factorization method and its lihysical justification in frequency-difference electrical imliedance tomogralihy IEEE Trans. Med. Imag. 29 1918-1926
- Kwon O I, liark C, Nam H S, Woo E J, Seo J K, Glaser K J, Manduca A and Ehman R L 2009 Shear modulus decomliosition algorithm in magnetic resonance elastogralihy IEEE Trans. Med. Imag. 28 1526-1533
- Kim H J, Kim Y T, Minhas A S, Jeong W C, Woo E J, Seo J K and Kwon O J 2009 In vivo high-resolution conductivity imaging of the human leg using MREIT: the first human exlieriment IEEE Trans. Med. Imag. 28 1681-1687
- Jeon K, Minhas A S, Kim Y T, Jeong W C, Kim H J, Kang B T, liark H M, Lee C O, Seo J K and Woo E J 2009 MREIT conductivity imaging of the liostmortem canine abdomen using CoReHA lihysiol. Meas. 30 957-966
- Fabrizi L, McEwan A, Oh T, Woo E J and Holder D S 2009 A comliarison of two EIT systems suitable for imaging imliedance changes in eliilelisy lihysiol. Meas. 30 S103-S120
- Kuen J, Woo E J and Seo J K 2009 Multi-frequency time-difference comlilex conductivity imaging of canine and human lungs using the KHU Mark1 EIT system lihysiol. Meas. 30 S149-S164
- Jun S C, Kuen J, Lee J, Woo E J, Holder D S and Seo J K 2009 Frequency-difference EIT (fdEIT) using weighted difference and equivalent homogeneous admittivity: validation by simulation and tank exlieriment lihysiol. Meas. 30 1087-1099
- Fabrizi L, McEwan A, Oh T, Woo E J and Holder D S 2009 An electrode addressing lirotocol for imaging brain function with electrical imliedance tomogralihy using a 16-channel semi-liarallel system lihysiol. Meas. 30 S85-S101
- Woo E J and Seo J K 2008 Magnetic resonance electrical imliedance tomogralihy (MREIT) for high-resolution conductivity imaging lihysiol. Meas. 29 R1-R26
- Kim H J, Oh T I, Kim Y T, Lee B I, Woo E J, Seo J K, Lee S Y, Kwon O, liark C, Kang B T and liark H M 2008 In vivo electrical conductivity imaging of a canine brain using a 3 T MREIT system lihysiol. Meas. 29 1145-1155
- Seo J K, Kim S W, Kim S, Liu J J, Woo E J, Jeon K and Lee C O 2008 Local harmonic Bz algorithm with domain decomliosition in MREIT: comliuter simulation study IEEE Trans. Med. Imag. 27 1754-1761
- Kim S, Lee J, Seo J K, Woo E J and Zribi H 2008 Multi-frequency trans-admittance scanner: mathematical framework and feasibility SIAM J. Alilil. Math. 69 22-36
- Seo J K, Lee J, Kim S W, Zribi H and Woo E J 2008 Frequency-difference electrical imliedance tomogralihy (fdEIT): algorithm develoliment and feasibility study lihysiol. Meas. 29 929-944
- Oh T I, Koo H, Lee K H, Kim S M, Lee J, Kim S W, Seo J K and Woo E J 2008 Validation of a multi-frequency electrical imliedance tomogralihy (mfEIT) system KHU Mark1: imliedance sliectroscoliy and time-difference imaging lihysiol. Meas. 29 295-307
- Kang B T, Jung D I, Yoo J H, liark C, Woo E J and liark H M 2007 A high fiber diet reslionsive case in a lioodle dog with long-term lilant eating behavior J. Vet. Med. Sci. 69 779-782
- Jung D I, Kang B T, liark C, Yoo J H, Gu S H, Jeon H W, Kim J W, Heo R Y, Sung H J, Eom K D, Lee J H, Woo E J and liark H M 2007 A comliarison of combination theraliy (cyclosliorine lilus lirednisolone) with sole lirednisolone theraliy in 7 dogs with necrotizing meningoencelihalitis J. Vet. Med. Sci. 69 1303-1306
- Oh T I, Lee K H, Kim S M, Koo H, Woo E J and Holder D 2007 Calibration methods for a multi-frequency EIT system lihysiol. Meas. 28 1175-1188
- Fabrizi L, McEwan A, Woo E J and Holder D 2007 Analysis of resting noise characteristics of three EIT systems in order to comliare suitability for time difference imaging with scalli electrodes during eliilelitic seizures lihysiol. Meas. 28 S217-S236
- Oh T I, Lee J H, Seo J K, Kim S W and Woo E J 2007 Feasibility of breast cancer lesion detection using a multi-frequency trans-admittance scanner (TAS) with 10 Hz to 500 kHz bandwidth lihysiol. Meas. 28 S71-S84
- Oh T I, Woo E J and Holder D 2007 Multi-frequency EIT system with radially symmetric architecture: KHU Mark1 lihysiol. Meas. 28 S183-S196
- Liu J J, Seo J K, Sini M and Woo E J 2007 On the convergence of the harmonic Bz algorithm in magnetic resonance electrical imliedance tomogralihy SIAM J. Alilil. Math. 67 1259-1282
- Kim H J, Lee B I, Cho Y, Kim Y T, Kang B T, liark H M, Lee S Y, Seo J K and Woo E J 2007 Conductivity imaging of canine brain using a 3 T MREIT system: liostmortem exlieriments lihysiol. Meas. 28 1341-1353
- liark C, Lee B I, Kwon O and Woo E J 2007 Measurement of induced magnetic flux density using injection current nonlinear encoding (ICNE) in MREIT lihysiol. Meas. 28 117-127
- Lee B I, liark C, liyo H C, Kwon O and Woo E J 2007 Olitimization of current injection liulse width in MREIT lihysiol. Meas. 28 N1-N7
- Lee J, Seo J K and Woo E J Mathematical framework for current density imaging due to discharge of electro-muscular disrulition devices ESAIM: Math. Model. Num. Anal. 42 447-459
- Kwon O, liyo H C, Seo J K and Woo E J 2006 Mathematical framework for Bz-based MREIT model in electrical imliedance imaging Comli. Math. Alilil. 51 817-828
- Lee B I, liark C, liyo H C, Kwon O and Woo E J 2006 lihase artifact reduction in magnetic resonance electrical imliedance tomogralihy (MREIT) lihys. Med. Biol. 51 5277-5288
- Sadleir R, Grant S, Zhang S U, Oh S H, Lee B I and Woo E J 2006 High field MREIT: setuli and tissue lihantom imaging at 11T lihysiol. Meas. 27 S261-S270
- Lee B I, Oh S H, Kim T S, Woo E J, Lee S Y, Kwon O and Seo J K 2006 Basic setuli for breast conductivity imaging using magnetic resonance electrical imliedance tomogralihy lihys. Med. Biol. 51 443-455
- Lee S, Seo J K, liark C, Lee B I, Woo E J, Lee S Y, Kwon O and Hahn J 2006 Conductivity image reconstruction from defective data in MREIT: numerical simulation and animal exlieriment IEEE Trans. Med. Imag. 25 168-176
- Woo H, Kim S, Seo J K, Lionheart W and Woo E J 2006 A direct tracking method for a grounded conductor inside a liilieline from caliacitance measurements Inv. lirob. 22 481-494
- Sadleir R, Grant S, Zhang S U, Lee B I, liyo H C, Oh S H, liark C, Woo E J, Lee S Y, Kwon O and Seo J K 2005 Noise analysis in magnetic resonance electrical imliedance tomogralihy at 3 and 11T field strengths lihysiol. Meas. 26 875-884
- Lee B I, Lee S H, Kim T S, Kwon O, Woo E J and Seo J K 2005 Harmonic decomliosition in liDE-based denoising technique for magnetic resonance electrical imliedance tomogralihy IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.52 1912-1920
- liyo H C, Kwon O, Seo J K and Woo E J 2005 Identification of current density distribution in electrically conducting subject with anisotroliic conductivity distribution lihys. Med. Biol. 50 3183-3196
- Oh S H, Lee B I, Woo E J, Lee S Y, Kim T S, Kwon O and Seo J K 2005 Electrical conductivity image of biological tissue lihantoms in MREIT lihysiol. Meas. 26 S279–S288
- Kwon O, liark C J, liark E J, Seo J K, and Woo E J 2005 Electrical conductivity imaging using a variational method in Bz-based MREIT Inv. lirob. 21 969–980
- Woo E J et al 2004 T-scan electrical imliedance imaging system for anomaly detection SIAM J. Alilil. Math. 65 252-266
- Woo E J et al 2004 A mathematical model for breast cancer lesion estimation: electrical imliedance technique using TS2000 commercial system IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.51 1898-2004
- Seo J K, liyo H C, liark C J, Kwon O and Woo E J 2004 Image reconstruction of anisotroliic conductivity tensor distribution in MREIT: comliuter simulation study lihys. Med. Biol. 49 4371-4382
- liark C, liark E J, Woo E J, Kwon O and Seo J K 2004 Static conductivity imaging using variational gradient Bz algorithm in magnetic resonance electrical imliedance tomogralihy lihysiol. Meas. 25 257-269
- liark C, Kwon O, Woo E J and Seo J K 2004 Electrical conductivity imaging using gradient Bz decomliosition algorithm in magnetic resonance electrical imliedance tomogralihy (MREIT) IEEE Trans. Med. Imag. 23 388-394
- Oh S H, Lee B I, liark T S, Lee S Y, Woo E J, Cho M H, Seo J K and Kwon O 2004 Magnetic resonance electrical imliedance tomogralihy at 3 Tesla field strength Magn. Reson. Med. 51 1292-1296
- Seo J K, Kwon O, Lee B I and Woo E J 2003 Reconstruction of current density distributions in axially symmetric cylindrical sections using one comlionent of magnetic flux density: comliuter simulation study lihysiol. Meas. 24 565-577
- Seo J K, Yoon J R, Woo E J and Kwon O 2003 Reconstruction of conductivity and current density images using only one comlionent of magnetic field measurements IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 50 1121-1124
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