최삼진 교수
연락처 02-961-0781
이메일 [email protected]
Samjin Choi, Ph.D. (nBioMechatronics Laboratory)
일본 국립야마구치대학 공학박사 (시스템공학-전기시스템, 2006)
경희대학교 의과대학 의학전문대학원 의학과 조교수: 의공학교실
경희대학교 치의학전문대학원 연구교수: 교정학교실
경희대학교 의료산업연구원 (HIRI) 수석연구원
일본 국립야마구치대학 공학부 기계공학과 조교수: 마이크로메카트로닉스연구실, 고체역학연구실
일본 국립야마구치대학 공학박사 (시스템공학-전기시스템, 2006)
경희대학교 의과대학 의학전문대학원 의학과 조교수: 의공학교실
경희대학교 치의학전문대학원 연구교수: 교정학교실
경희대학교 의료산업연구원 (HIRI) 수석연구원
일본 국립야마구치대학 공학부 기계공학과 조교수: 마이크로메카트로닉스연구실, 고체역학연구실
학회 활동
• EBM, International Journal Biomedical Engineering Research
• 제어로봇시스템학회
• 메카트로닉스학회
• 대한의용생체공학회
• 제어로봇시스템학회
• 메카트로닉스학회
• 대한의용생체공학회
nBioMechatronics Scope (keywords: easy, facile, low-cost, portable, no-actuator, POCT)
@nano, micro, Bio+ Engineering
• Microfluidic Analytic Platform (현장진단을 위한 uPAD 플랫폼 개발)
• Nano Electrode Sensor (나노 구조체 전극 개발)
• Nano Battery (현장진단을 위한 나노 에너지 발생장치 개발)
• Nano Strain Sensor (나노 스트레인 센서)
@+Mechatronics Engineering
• Biomedical Signal & Image Processing (고감도 생체신호분석을 위한 신호 및 영상처리기 개발)
• Mobile Platform for POCT (모바일 지원을 위한 하드웨어 플랫폼 개발)
• FEA & CFD Analysis (미세구조체에서 전산구조해석 및 전산유체해석)
@nano, micro, Bio+ Engineering
• Microfluidic Analytic Platform (현장진단을 위한 uPAD 플랫폼 개발)
• Nano Electrode Sensor (나노 구조체 전극 개발)
• Nano Battery (현장진단을 위한 나노 에너지 발생장치 개발)
• Nano Strain Sensor (나노 스트레인 센서)
@+Mechatronics Engineering
• Biomedical Signal & Image Processing (고감도 생체신호분석을 위한 신호 및 영상처리기 개발)
• Mobile Platform for POCT (모바일 지원을 위한 하드웨어 플랫폼 개발)
• FEA & CFD Analysis (미세구조체에서 전산구조해석 및 전산유체해석)
1. Microfluidic Analytic Platforms
다공성 재질의 substrate에서 발생하는 capillary-driven actuation에 의해 임상 유체샘플의 조기 진단을 위한 분석 플랫폼 개발
@ A stand-alone pressure-driven 3D microfluidic chemical sensing analytic device,
Sensors And Actuators B-Chemical 230, 380-387 (2016). (IF:4.76, JCR:3.6%)
@ Paper-based 3D microfluidic device for multiple bioassays, Sensors And Actuators B-Chemical 219, 245-250 (2015). (IF:4.76, JCR:3.6%)
@ A fast-flow microfluidic paper-based analytic platform through adhesive OHP film-hollowed channels, AIM 2015, 553-554 (2015).
2. Nano-metallic SERS Substrates
금속의 미세 적층을 통한 임상현장 및 산업환경현장에서 OTI 진단을 위한 광학진단용 나노구조체를 갖는 전극 개발
@ Instrument-free synthesizable fabrication of label-free optical biosensing paper strips for the early detection of infectious keratoconjunctivitides,
Analytical Chemistry 88(10), 5531-5537 (2016). (IF:5.89, JCR:5.3%)
@ A low-cost, monometallic, surface-enhanced Raman scattering-functionalized paper platform for spot-on bioassays,
Sensors And Actuators B-Chemical 222, 1112-1118 (2016). (IF:4.76, JCR:3.6%)
@ Facile fabrication of a silver nanoparticle-immersed, surface-enhanced raman scattering-imposed paper platform through successive ionic
layer absorption and reaction for on-site bioassays, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7(50), 27910-27917 (2015). (IF:7.15, JCR:9.2%)
@ Label-free biochemical analytic method for the early detection of adenoviral conjunctivitis using human tear biofluids,
다공성 재질의 substrate에서 발생하는 capillary-driven actuation에 의해 임상 유체샘플의 조기 진단을 위한 분석 플랫폼 개발
@ A stand-alone pressure-driven 3D microfluidic chemical sensing analytic device,
Sensors And Actuators B-Chemical 230, 380-387 (2016). (IF:4.76, JCR:3.6%)
@ Paper-based 3D microfluidic device for multiple bioassays, Sensors And Actuators B-Chemical 219, 245-250 (2015). (IF:4.76, JCR:3.6%)
@ A fast-flow microfluidic paper-based analytic platform through adhesive OHP film-hollowed channels, AIM 2015, 553-554 (2015).
2. Nano-metallic SERS Substrates
금속의 미세 적층을 통한 임상현장 및 산업환경현장에서 OTI 진단을 위한 광학진단용 나노구조체를 갖는 전극 개발
@ Instrument-free synthesizable fabrication of label-free optical biosensing paper strips for the early detection of infectious keratoconjunctivitides,
Analytical Chemistry 88(10), 5531-5537 (2016). (IF:5.89, JCR:5.3%)
@ A low-cost, monometallic, surface-enhanced Raman scattering-functionalized paper platform for spot-on bioassays,
Sensors And Actuators B-Chemical 222, 1112-1118 (2016). (IF:4.76, JCR:3.6%)
@ Facile fabrication of a silver nanoparticle-immersed, surface-enhanced raman scattering-imposed paper platform through successive ionic
layer absorption and reaction for on-site bioassays, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7(50), 27910-27917 (2015). (IF:7.15, JCR:9.2%)
@ Label-free biochemical analytic method for the early detection of adenoviral conjunctivitis using human tear biofluids,
3. Nano Battery
임상에서 환자 진료시 direct 진단 및 환경오염 검출 현장에서 POC 장비의 저전력 동작을 위한 나노-에너지 발생장치 개발
@ A solvent-free microbial-activated air cathode battery paper platform through pencil-traced graphite electrodes,
Scientific Reports (2016). (IF:5.23, JCR:11.1%)
임상에서 환자 진료시 direct 진단 및 환경오염 검출 현장에서 POC 장비의 저전력 동작을 위한 나노-에너지 발생장치 개발
@ A solvent-free microbial-activated air cathode battery paper platform through pencil-traced graphite electrodes,
Scientific Reports (2016). (IF:5.23, JCR:11.1%)
4. Translational Research
임상의학과 기초의학 사이의 중개적 연구로, 기초의학에서 사용되는 메커니즘 규명 연구를 임상의학에 적용
@ Effects of aging procedures on the molecular, biochemicomorphological and mechanical properties of vacuum-formed retainers,
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 51, 356-366 (2015). (IF:3.42, JCR:14.5%) <교정과>
@ Evaluation of antibiotic effects on Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm using Raman spectroscopy and multivariate analysis,
Biomedical Optics Express 5(9), 3238–3251 (2014). (IF:3.65, JCR:9.3%) <감염내과>
@ Inflammatory effect of monopolar radiofrequency treatment on collagen fibrils in rabbit skins,
Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 9(8), 1403–1407 (2013). (IF:5.34, JCR:12.1%) <안과>
@ Internal-specific morphological analysis of sciatic nerve fibers on radiofrequency-induced neuropathic pain animal model,
PLoS ONE 8(9), e73913 (2013). (IF:3.23, JCR:14.3%) <신경외과>
5. FEA & CFD Analysis
Structural 해석과 전산유체해석을 이용하여 실험으로부터 획득한 데이터를 통하여 임상, 자연계에서의 일어나는 문제에 대한 해석 및 질병 예측
@ Evaluation of aneurysm-associated wall shear stress related to morphological variations of circle of Willis using a microfluidic device,
Journal of Biomechanics 48(2), 348-353 (2015). (IF:2.75, JCR:30.3%)
@ Analysis of cerebral blood flow by pneumatic-valves controlled microfluidic device: Risk assessment of infarction correlated with
morphometric variation of cerebral vascular system, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 17(5), 843-853 (2014).(IF:2.53, JCR:12.5%)
임상의학과 기초의학 사이의 중개적 연구로, 기초의학에서 사용되는 메커니즘 규명 연구를 임상의학에 적용
@ Effects of aging procedures on the molecular, biochemicomorphological and mechanical properties of vacuum-formed retainers,
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 51, 356-366 (2015). (IF:3.42, JCR:14.5%) <교정과>
@ Evaluation of antibiotic effects on Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm using Raman spectroscopy and multivariate analysis,
Biomedical Optics Express 5(9), 3238–3251 (2014). (IF:3.65, JCR:9.3%) <감염내과>
@ Inflammatory effect of monopolar radiofrequency treatment on collagen fibrils in rabbit skins,
Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 9(8), 1403–1407 (2013). (IF:5.34, JCR:12.1%) <안과>
@ Internal-specific morphological analysis of sciatic nerve fibers on radiofrequency-induced neuropathic pain animal model,
PLoS ONE 8(9), e73913 (2013). (IF:3.23, JCR:14.3%) <신경외과>
5. FEA & CFD Analysis
Structural 해석과 전산유체해석을 이용하여 실험으로부터 획득한 데이터를 통하여 임상, 자연계에서의 일어나는 문제에 대한 해석 및 질병 예측
@ Evaluation of aneurysm-associated wall shear stress related to morphological variations of circle of Willis using a microfluidic device,
Journal of Biomechanics 48(2), 348-353 (2015). (IF:2.75, JCR:30.3%)
@ Analysis of cerebral blood flow by pneumatic-valves controlled microfluidic device: Risk assessment of infarction correlated with
morphometric variation of cerebral vascular system, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 17(5), 843-853 (2014).(IF:2.53, JCR:12.5%)
연구 과제
난치성 골결손 질환 환자맞춤형 테라그노시스 기술 개발
• 생체유체 표면증강라만산란을 이용한 바이러스결막염 조기 진단 POC 기술 개발
• 전처리 일체형 비침습 검체 채취기 및 휴대용 알레르기 비염 자가진단기기 개발
• 암조직의 무표지자 광 바이오 센싱을 위한 다기능성 기재 개발
• 생체유체 표면증강라만산란을 이용한 바이러스결막염 조기 진단 POC 기술 개발
• 전처리 일체형 비침습 검체 채취기 및 휴대용 알레르기 비염 자가진단기기 개발
• 암조직의 무표지자 광 바이오 센싱을 위한 다기능성 기재 개발
논문 업적
SCI-indexed International Journal Papers
International Proceeding Papers
- Label-free optical detection method for detecting age-related and diabetic oxidative damages in human aqueous humors,
Sang Woong Moon, Wansun Kim, Samjin Choi, Jae-Ho Shin, Microscopy Research and Technique (2016). - Biochemical fingerprints of human papillomavirus infection and cervical dysplasia using cervical fluids: Spectral pattern investigation,
Yeon-Hee Kim, Boksoon Chang, Jeong-Hyun Choi, Hun-Kuk Park, Samjin Choi, Microscopy Research and Technique (2016). - A solvent-free microbial-activated air cathode battery paper platform through pencil-traced graphite electrodes,
Seung Ho Lee, Ju Yeon Ban, Chung-Hun Oh, Hun-Kuk Park, Samjin Choi, Scientific Reports 6, 28588 (2016). - Instrument-free synthesizable fabrication of label-free optical biosensing paper strips for the early detection of infectious keratoconjunctivitides,
Wansun Kim, Jae-Chul Lee, Jae-Ho Shin, Kyung-Hyun Jin, Hun-Kuk Park, Samjin Choi, Analytical Chemistry 88(10), 5531-5537 (2016). - A stand-alone pressure-driven 3D microfluidic chemical sensing analytic device,
Jae-Ho Shin, Gi-Ja Lee, Wansun Kim, Samjin Choi, Sensors And Actuators B-Chemical 230, 380-387 (2016). - Microfluidic-based non-enzymatic glycation enhances the cross-linking of human scleral tissue compared to conventional soaking,
Samjin Choi, Sang Woong Moon, Kyung-Hyun Jin, Jae-Ho Shin, Scanning (2016). - A low-cost, monometallic, surface-enhanced Raman scattering-functionalized paper platform for spot-on bioassays,
Wansun Kim, Jae-Ho Shin, Hun-Kuk Park, Samjin Choi, Sensors And Actuators B-Chemical 222, 1112-1118 (2016).
- Facile fabrication of a silver nanoparticle-immersed, surface-enhanced Raman scattering-imposed paper platform through successive ionic layer absorption and reaction for on-site bioassays,
Wansun Kim, Yeon-Hee Kim, Hun-Kuk Park, Samjin Choi, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7(50), 27910-27917 (2015). - Paper-based 3D microfluidic device for multiple bioassays,
Samjin Choi, Su-Kang Kim, Gi-Ja Lee, Hun-Kuk Park, Sensors And Actuators B-Chemical 219, 245-250 (2015). - Effects of aging procedures on the molecular, biochemical, morphological, and mechanical properties of vacuum-formed retainers,
Hyo-Won Ahn, Hye-Ryun Ha, Ho-Nam Lim, Samjin Choi, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 51, 356-366 (2015). - Surface ultrastructure and mechanical properties of three different white-coated NiTi archwires,
Seong-Hee Ryu, Byung-Suh Lim, Eun Joo Kwak, Gi-Ja Lee, Samjin Choi, Ki-Ho Park, Scanning, 37(6), 414-421 (2015). - Correlation between frictional force and surface roughness of orthodontic archwires,
Samjin Choi, Eun-Young Hwang, Hun-Kuk Park, Young-Kuk Park, Scanning, 37(6), 399-405 (2015). - In vitro sliding-driven morphological changes in representative esthetic NiTi archwire surfaces,
Samjin Choi, Dong-Jin Park, Kyung A Kim, Ki-Ho Park, Hun-Kuk Park, Young-Guk Park, Microscopy Research and Technique 78(10), 926-934 (2015). - Investigation of nanostructural changes following acute injury using atomic force microscopy in rabbit vocal folds,
Young Chan Lee, Ho Jung Kim, Kyung Sook Kim, Samjin Choi, Sung Wan Kim, Hun-Kuk Park, Young Gyu Eun, Microscopy Research and Technique 78(70), 569-576 (2015). - Enhanced biocompatibility and wound healing properties of biodegradable polymer-modified allyl 2-cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive,
Young Ju Lee, Ho Sung Son, Gyeong Bok Jung, Ji Hye Kim, Samjin Choi, Gi-Ja Lee, Hun-Kuk Park,
Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications 51, 43-50 (2015). - A novel cardiac spectral envelope extraction algorithm using a single-degree-of-freedom vibration model,
Samjin Choi, Si-Hyung Cho, Chan-Won Park, Jae-Ho Shin, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 18, 169-173 (2015). - Biochemical investigations of human papillomavirus infected cervical fluids,
Samjin Choi, Hun-Kuk Park, Gyeong Eun Min, Yeon-Hee Kim, Microscopy Research and Technique 78(3), 200-206 (2015). - Evaluation of aneurysm-associated wall shear stress related to morphological variations of circle of Willis using a microfluidic device,
Seong-Won Nam, Samjin Choi, Youjin Cheong, Yeon-Hee Kim, Hun-Kuk Park, Journal of Biomechanics 48(2), 348-353 (2015)
- Clinico-biochemical investigations of aging effects on normoglycemic and hyperglycemic murine retinal tissues,
Jae-Ho Shin, Jeong Han Choi, Samjin Choi, Gyeong Bok Jung, Hun-Kuk Park, Sang Woong Moon,
Microscopy Research and Technique 77(12), 1023–1030 (2014). - Label-free biochemical analytic method for the early detection of adenoviral conjunctivitis using human tear biofluids,
Samjin Choi, Sung Woon Moon, Jae-Ho Shin, Hun-Kuk Park, Kyung-Hyun Jin, Analytical Chemistry 86(22), 11093-11099 (2014). - Analysis of cerebral blood flow by pneumatic-valves controlled microfluidic device
: Risk assessment of infarction correlated with morphometric variation of cerebral vascular system,
Youjin Cheong, Seong-Won Nam, Samjin Choi, Hoyoung Jang, Hun-Kuk Park, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 17(5), 843-853 (2014). - A novel cardiac spectral segmentation based on a multi-Gaussian fitting method for regurgitation murmur identification,
Samjin Choi, Gyeong Bok Jung, Hun-Kuk Park, Signal Processing 104, 339-345 (2014). - Evaluation of antibiotic effects on Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm using Raman spectroscopy and multivariate analysis,
Gyeong Bok Jung, Seong Won Nam, Samjin Choi, Gi-Ja Lee, Hun-Kuk Park, Biomedical Optics Express 5(9), 3238–3251 (2014). - Molecular and chemical investigations and comparisons of biomaterials for ocular surface regeneration,
Yeon-Hee Kim, Kyung-Hyun Jin, Jae Hyung Kim, Dong Jin Park, Samjin Choi, Hun-Kuk Park, Microscopy Research and Technique 77(3), 183-188 (2014). - Inflammatory responses and morphological changes of radiofrequency-induced rat sciatic nerve fibres,
Samjin Choi, Hyuk Jai Choi, Youjin Cheong, Sung Hyun Chung, Hun-Kuk Park, Young-Jin Lim, European Journal of Pain 18(2), 192-203 (2014). - Medical application of atomic force microscopy and Raman spectroscopy,
Samjin Choi, Gyeong Bok Jung, Kyung Sook Kim, Gi-Ja Lee, Hun-Kuk Park, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 14(1), 71-97 (2014)
- Biocompatibility of a novel cyanoacrylate based tissue adhesive: cytotoxicity and biochemical property evaluation,
Young Ju Lee, Gyeong Bok Jung, Samjin Choi, Gihyun Lee, Ji Hye Kim, Ho Sung Son, Hyunsu Bae, Hun-Kuk Park, PLoS ONE 8(11), e79761 (2013). - Short-term effect of cryotherapy on human scleral tissue by atomic force microscopy,
Seung Jun Lee, Samjin Choi, Moo Sang Kim, Youjin Cheong, Hyung-Woo Kwak, Hun-Kuk Park, Kyung-Hyun Jin, Scanning 35(5), 302–307 (2013). - Nanostructural and nanomechanical responses of collagen fibrils in the collagenase-induced Achilles tendinitis rat model,
Gi-Ja Lee, Samjin Choi, Jinmann Chon, Seung Don Yoo, Hee-Sang Kim, Hun-Kuk Park, Joo Ho Chung, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 13(11), 7279–7286 (2013). - Structural and biomechanical effects of photooxidative collagen cross-linking with photosensitizer riboflavin and 370 nm UVA light on human corneo-scleral tissues,
Samjin Choi, Jae-Ho Shin, Youjin Cheong, Kyung-Hyun Jin, Hun-Kuk Park, Microscopy and Microanalysis 19(5), 1334-1340 (2013). - Internal-specific morphological analysis of sciatic nerve fibers on radiofrequency-induced neuropathic pain animal model,
Samjin Choi, Hyuk Jai Choi, Youjin Cheong, Young-Jin Lim, Hun-Kuk Park, PLoS ONE 8(9), e73913 (2013). - Structural response of human corneal and scleral tissues to collagen cross-linking treatment with riboflavin and ultraviolet-A light,
Samjin Choi, Seung-Chan Lee, Hui-Jae Lee, Youjin Cheong, Gyeong-Bok Jung, Kyung-Hyun Jin, Hun-Kuk Park, Lasers in Medical Science 28(5), 1289–1296 (2013). - Inflammatory effect of monopolar radiofrequency treatment on collagen fibrils in rabbit skins,
Samjin Choi, Youjin Cheong, Jae-Ho Shin, Kyung-Hyun Jin, Hun-Kuk Park, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 9(8), 1403–1407 (2013). - Nanostructural response of Mitomycin C application on human scleral tissues,
Samjin Choi, Seungchan Lee, Youjin Cheong, Jae-Ho Shin, Kyung-Hyun Jin, Hun-Kuk Park, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 9(8), 1393–1397 (2013). - Postoperative effect of radiofrequency treatments on the rabbit dermal collagen fibrillary matrix,
Hyung Woo Kwak, Samjin Choi, Youjin Cheong, Jin Sik Burm, Kyung-Hyun Jin, Hun-Kuk Park, Jae-Ho Shin, Microscopy Research and Technique 76(3), 219–224 (2013). - Short-term response of Mitomycin C on the human rectus muscle following strabismus surgery
: Histological, ultrastructural, and biomechanical evaluation,
Samjin Choi, Youjin Cheong, Jae-Ho Shin, Kyung A Kim, Jae Beum Bang, Kyung-Hyun Jin, Hun-Kuk Park, Microscopy and Microanalysis 19(1), 227–232 (2013). - Quantitative and qualitative analysis of heart mitochondria for evaluating the degree of myocardial injury utilizing atomic force microscopy,
Gi-Ja Lee, Jae Hoon Jeong, Sora Lee, Samjin Choi, Youngmi Kim Pak, Weon Kim, Hun-Kuk Park, Micron 44, 167–173 (2013).
- 얼굴전산화단층촬영이미지을 이용한 안와용적 측정법, 최삼진, 신재호, 진경현, 최정한, 김혜지 (등록: @@, 2016).
- 연속적인 화학적 반응법을 이용한 종이 기반 표면증강라만산란 기재의 제조방법, 최삼진, 김완선, 박헌국 (출원: 10-2016-0069048, 2016.06.02).
- A paper-based SERS substrate and a method for preparing the same, 최삼진, 김완선, 박헌국 (PCT/KR2016/005844, 2016.06.02).
- 눈물 방울을 이용한 바이러스 감염진단 방법 및 기기, 최삼진, 신재호, 박헌국, 진경현 (등록: 10-1626045, 2016.05.25).
- 심음 주파수 포락선 정보 추출 장치 및 방법, 최삼진, 신재호, 박헌국 (등록: 10-1623260, 2016.05.16).
- 연필을 이용한 흑연 전극 기반의 미생물 연료전지 플랫폼, 최삼진, 박헌국, 이승호 (출원: 10-2016-0024465, 2016.02.29).
- 실린지 펌프를 이용한 교정력 측정장치 및 방법, 최삼진, 박헌국, 박영국 (등록: 10-1538949, 2015.07.17).
- 연속적인 화학적 반응법을 이용한 종이 기반 표면증강라만산란 기재의 제조방법, 최삼진, 김완선 (출원: 10-2015-0096158, 2015.07.06).
- 종이 기반 표면증강라만산란 플랫폼의 제조방법, 최삼진, 김완선, 신재호, 박헌국 (출원: 10-2015-0078136, 2015.06.02).
- A method and device for diagnosis of viral infection using tear drop, 최삼진, 신재호, 박헌국, 진경현 (PCT/KR2015/004736, 2015.05.12).
- 마이크로패드, 최삼진, 신재호 (출원: 10-2015-0056466, 2015.04.22).
- 얼굴전산화단층촬영이미지을 이용한 안와용적 측정법, 최삼진, 신재호, 진경현, 최정한, 김혜지 (출원: 10-2015-0044384, 2015.03.30).
- 마이크로 패드 플랫폼, 최삼진, 이기자, 신재호 (출원: 10-2015-0044383, 2015.03.30).
- Orthodonic Force-Measuring Device Using A Typodont and Loadcell,
박헌국, 최삼진, 박기호, 이성훈, 정유진, 김옥균, 조현종, 임성빈 (미국-등록: US 8,943,886, 2015.02.03). - 눈물 방울을 이용한 바이러스 감염진단 방법 및 기기, 최삼진, 신재호, 박헌국, 진경현 (출원: 10-2014-0096695, 2014.07.29).
- 심음 주파수 포락선 정보 추출 장치 및 방법, 최삼진, 신재호, 박헌국 (출원: 10-2014-0090558, 2014.07.17).
- 실린지 펌프를 이용한 교정력 측정장치 및 방법, 최삼진, 박헌국, 박영국 (출원: 10-2014-0087582, 2014.07.11).
- 미세유체칩을 이용한 뇌혈관모델, 박헌국, 남성원, 최삼진, 정유진 (등록: 10-1412876, 2014.06.20).
- CT영상으로부터 치열구조의 자동추출방법, 박헌국, 최삼진 (등록: 10-1381061, 2014.03.27).
- 부정교합 모델의 유한요소해석 방법, 박헌국, 최삼진, 이성훈, 정유진, 김좌겸 (등록: 10-1308855, 2013.09.09).
- 전열역학장치를 이용한 치아 이동의 실시간 모니터링 시스템, 박헌국, 최삼진, 이성훈, 정유진, 김옥균, 김재식, 김인숙 (등록: 10-1260197, 2013.04.25).
- 心音周波数解析装置及び方法, 江鍾偉, 최삼진 (일본-등록: 特許第5207174号, 2013.03.01).
- 미세유체칩을 이용한 뇌혈관모델, 박헌국, 남성원, 최삼진, 정유진 (출원: 10-2013-00155527, 2013.02.13).
- 타이포돈트와 로드셀을 이용한 교정력 측정기, 박헌국, 최삼진, 박기호, 이성훈, 정유진, 김옥균, 조현종 (등록: 10-1215735, 2012.12.18).
- 교정력 측정기, 박헌국, 최삼진, 이성훈, 정유진 (등록: 10-1201176, 2012.11.07).
- The Orthodonic Force Measurement Device Using Typodont System and Loadcell,
박헌국, 최삼진, 박기호, 이성훈, 정유진, 김옥균, 조현종, 임성빈 (PCT/KR2012/007778, 2012.09.26)
US 14/346,491 (미국, 2014.03.21), DE 11 2012 004 003.1 (독일, 2014.03.24). - 교정용 철사의 물성 측정 장치, 박헌국, 박영국, 최삼진, 이성훈, 정유진 (등록: 10-1170782, 2012.07.27).
- CT영상으로부터 치열구조의 자동추출방법, 박헌국, 최삼진 (출원: 10-2012-0082679, 2012.07.27).
- 로컬 바이너리 피팅법을 이용한 관절 간격 측정방법, 박헌국, 최삼진, 조일성 (등록: 10-1151155, 2012.05.22).
- 3차원 영상 보정 방법, 박헌국, 박영국, 최삼진, 이성훈, 정유진 (등록: 10-1146202, 2012.05.08).
- 부정교합 모델의 유한요소해석 방법, 박헌국, 최삼진, 이성훈, 정유진, 김좌겸 (출원: 10-2012-0017699, 2012.02.21).
- 전열역학장치를 이용한 치아 이동의 실시간 모니터링 시스템, 박헌국, 최삼진, 이성훈, 정유진, 김옥균, 김재식, 김인숙 (출원: 10-2012-0017698, 2012.02.21).
- 교정용 철사의 물성 측정 장치, 박헌국, 박영국, 최삼진, 이성훈, 정유진 (출원: 10-2010-0070862, 2012.02.20).
- 고주파를 이용하여 효과적인 주름 제거를 위한 방법과 임상 프로토콜,
박헌국, 최삼진, 진경현, 신재호, 이희재, 정유진, 이성훈, 조현종 (출원: 10-2011-0146250, 2011.12.29). - 3차원 영상 보정 방법, 박헌국, 박영국, 최삼진, 이성훈, 정유진 (출원: 10-2010-0070858, 2011.12.20).
- 로컬 바이너리 피팅법을 이용한 관절 간격 측정방법, 박헌국, 최삼진, 조일성 (출원: 10-2010-0061150, 2011.12.09).
- 치아우식증 분석을 위한 이미지 변환 시스템 및 그 방법,
박헌국, 오범석, 최용석, 박정훈, 이기자, 최삼진, 박동현, 김경숙, 박영호 (등록: 10-1069026, 2011.09.23). - 치아 경조직의 탈회 감지 시스템 및 방법, 박헌국, 오범석, 박동현, 김경숙, 박영호, 홍승재, 박정훈, 이기자, 최삼진 (등록: 10-1068300, 2011.09.21).
- 류마티스 관절염 진단 시스템 및 그 방법, 박헌국, 오범석, 홍승재, 최삼진, 이기자, 박정훈, 박동현, 김경숙, 박영호 (등록: 10-1055226, 2011.08.02).
- 타이포돈트와 로드셀을 이용한 교정력 측정기, 박헌국, 최삼진, 박기호, 이성훈, 정유진, 김옥균, 조현종 (출원: 10-2011-0097150, 2011.09.26).
- 교정력 측정기, 박헌국, 최삼진, 이성훈, 정유진 (출원: 10-2011-0067553, 2011.07.07).
- 류마티스 관절염 진단 시스템 및 그 방법, 박헌국, 오범석, 홍승재, 최삼진, 이기자, 박정훈, 박동현, 김경숙, 박영호 (출원: 10-2009-0044839, 2009.05.22).
- 치아우식증 분석을 위한 이미지 변환 시스템 및 그 방법, 박헌국, 오범석, 최용석, 박정훈, 이기자, 최삼진, 박동현, 김경숙, 박영호 (출원: 10-2009-0044834, 2009.05.22).
- 치아 경조직의 탈회 감지 시스템 및 방법, 박헌국, 오범석, 박동현, 김경숙, 박영호, 홍승재, 박정훈, 이기자, 최삼진 (출원: 10-2009-0044833, 2009.05.22).
- 心音周波数解析装置及び方法, 江鍾偉, 최삼진 (일본-출원: JP2008-090594, 2008.03.31).
- Cardiorespiratory function measuring instrument, 江鍾偉, 최삼진 (PCT/JP2006/052876, 2007.02.16).
- Stethoscope heart sound signal processing method and stethoscope device, 江鍾偉, 최삼진 (PCT/JP2006/320964 2006.10.20)
- 心肺機能センサ, 江鍾偉, 최삼진 (일본-출원: JP2006-039126, 2006.02.16).
- 心音収録音量自動調整電子聴診器システム, 江鍾偉, 최삼진 (일본-출원: JP2006-332993, 2005.11.17).
- 心音解析の方法,心音解析装置及び心音解析を実行するためのプログラムを記録した記録媒体, 江鍾偉, 최삼진 (일본-출원: JP2005-306625, 2005.10.21).
- 얼굴 전산화 단층촬영 사진을 이용한 안와 용적의 측정,
최정한, 박인기, 최삼진, 신재호, 대한안과학회지 56(2), 168-173 (2015). - 다중가스센서를 이용한 화재의 조기검출에 대한 연구,
조시형, 장향원, 전진욱, 최석임, 김선규, 江鐘偉, 최삼진, 박찬원, 센서학회지 23(5), 342-348 (2014). - 원자현미경을 이용한 마이토마이신 노출 시간에 따른 공막 표면 콜라젠의 변화 관찰,
이희재, 최삼진, 정유진, 정경복, 진경현, 박헌국, 이승준, 대한안과학회지 52(6), 671-678 (2011). - Detection method of proximal caries using line profile in digital intra-oral radiography,
Jeong-Hoon Park, Yong-Suk Choi, Gyu-Tae Kim, Eui-Hwan Hwang, Gi-Ja Lee, Samjin Choi, Hun-Kuk Park,
대한구강악안면방사선학회지 39(4), 185-189 (2009). - 방사선사진의 인덱스-순서 분석을 통한 치아경조직의 탈염화 검출,
박동현, 박영호, 김경숙, 박정훈, 이기자, 최삼진, 최용석, 황의환, 박헌국, 대한구강악안면방사선학회지 39(2), 61-68 (2009). - Heart sound measurement and analysis system with a stethoscope,
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박정훈, 최용석, 황의환, 이기자, 최삼진, 박영호, 김경숙, 진현석, 홍경원, 오범석, 박헌국, 대한구강악안면방사선학회지 39(1), 35-39 (2009) - Development of wireless electric stethoscope system and abnormal cardiac sound analysis method (Sound characteristic waveform analysis),
Zhongwei Jiang, Samjin Choi, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series C 71(711), 3246-3253 (2005).
International Proceeding Papers
- Label-free disposable biosensing chips for infectious eye disease identification, Wansun Kim, Jae-Chul Lee, Hun-Kuk Park, Samjin Choi, IVC-20, Korea (2016).
- All-paper battery device for instant electrical power generation,Yong-Jin Ahn, Hun-Kuk Park, Samjin Choi, NANO KOREA 2016, Korea (2016).
- SERS paper strip based on Au@Ag nanoparticle structure using successive ionic layer absorption and reaction technique,Wansun Kim, Samjin Choi, Hun-Kuk Park, NANO KOREA 2016, Korea (2016).
- Point-of-care applications of surface-enhanced Raman scattering paper sensor using successive ionic layer absorption and reaction-synthesized plasmonic nanoparticles, Wansun Kim, Hun-Kuk Park, Samjin Choi, International Conference on Advances in Functional Materials (AFM 2016), Jeju, Korea (2016).
- Fabrication of a paper-based microscale microbial fuel cell platform using graphite electrodes, Seung Ho Lee, Hun-Kuk Park, Chan Won Park, Samjin Choi, 2015 International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology (ICMIT 2015), pp.249-251, Kangwon-do, Korea (2015)
- Fabrication of silver surface enhance Raman scattering-functionalized paper platform via SILAR technique,Wan-Sun Kim, Hun-Kuk Park, Samjin Choi, ICMIT 2015, pp.260-262, Kangwon-do, Korea (2015).
- Effect of substrates on surface enhanced Raman scattering platform using AgNPs-based successive ion layer absorption and reaction Method, Wan-Sun Kim, Hun-Kuk Park, Samjin Choi, International Biomedical Engineeing Conference (iBEC 2015), Busan, Korea (2015).
- An instant electrical power generating air cathode paper battery,Yong-Jin Ahn, Hun-Kuk Park, Samjin Choi, iBEC 2015, Busan, Korea (2015).
- Paper-based printed circuit boards, Kyungjin Kim, Hyangwon Jang, Chan Won Park, Hun-Kuk Park, Samjin Choi, 2015 15th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2015), pp.1857-1859, Busan, Korea (2015).
- A low-cost ion detecting device with paper-based disposal sensor, Hyangwon Jang, Kyeongjin Kim, Chan Won Park, Gi-Ja Lee, Samjin Choi, ICCAS 2015, pp.1860-1862, Busan, Korea (2015).
- Effects of ligating methods and materials on IFD properties of NiTi wire, Joo-Hee Paek, Young-Jin Ahn, Young-Guk Park, Hun-Kuk Park, Samjin Choi, 2st International Conference on Advanced Materials, Mechanics and Structural Engineering 2015, Jeju, Korea (2015).
- Development of a novel low-cost Au-printed SERS paper substrate for point-of-care application, Wan-Sun Kim, Hun-Kuk Park, Samjin Choi, (2015)
- A fast-flow microfluidic paper-based analytic platform through adhesive OHP film-hollowed channels, Jae-Ho Shin, Samjin Choi, AIM 2015, pp.553-554 (2015).